Actionist, the doing app

April 2, 2024

With so many todo apps on the market already, do we really need another one?

list of popular todo icons

No you probably don’t, but we think you might need a digital scratch paper.

actionist logo

Actionist is that scratch paper turned todo notes.

Feeling pulled in a million directions by countless tasks? This app is your solution. Just jot down your to-dos and start ticking them off visually.

Research shows that it’s best for our brain to not multi-task, but this app is how, if you really have to (or want to, if you have ADHD like me):

actionist todo screenshot

Actionist allows you to change your task from TODO to DOING; with the DOING items pinned at the top, hopefully if you get distracted you can find your way back on track!

A little background story

If I don’t write it down, it won’t get done.

If I write them all down, it becomes overwhelming.

Here is a screenshot of what my main todo app (things3) inbox looks like.

things3 screenshot

To this date, I still have countless items in things3 that would probably will just keep wander in that void space that they call cloud.

Have I tried other apps?

Oh you mean apps with more complexity, functionality and basically more buttons?

Unfortunately, I have. Nope they don’t do it for me. It is so attempting to start organizing and get distraught by -- as in, how could one actually organize all of them?

The intended usage of actionist

Take a look at your actual todos, look through your emails, your priorities systems, then, close your eyes and sip a coffee; now, what can you actually do at this moment?

Write them down, tick them off.

When you are done, just “pull to archive all”.

You can even “archieve all” without being done — beauty of (an electronic) scratch paper.

actionist archive screenshot

Alternatively, when a task is too big and too duanting, you can start by breaking them down like so:

actionist todos screenshot

At this point you probably noticed that this app is not intended for keeping and indexing your todos, please use another app for todos like “how do i find meaning of life”. Actionist wants you to focus on the actionables, now.